There is truly no other diagnostic professional like the Iridologist capable of seeing into the genetic weakness of a person, or who is able to recognize metabolic individuality with such a simple and non-invasive method. The strength of Iridology is in being able to recommend an appropriate preventative therapy out of these insights and therefore includes the entire area of Psycho-Neuro-Immunology.
Today our health systems struggle under enormous financial pressures, diagnostic quality deteriorates, and in health services we see a class system forming. Iridology, previously seen as an outsider method now takes on a vital and pivotal role as genetic research comes to the forefront of modern medicine. With its relatively simple methods of seeing genetic strengths and weaknesses and its cost: benefit ratio, Iridology stands on the threshold of a resurgence and complementary partnership.
In this regard the well-schooled Iridologist has a huge role to play in treating chronic, psycho-somatic and therapy resistant conditions.